Both families got together this year. Not only did we have Thanksgiving as a reason to celebrate, but also Great Grandpa Bob's eighty-fifth birthday, Gammie Susie's birthday, Steve and Jessica's engagement and our fifth anniversary. Lilly enjoyed all of the laughter, hugs, kisses and pie. Yes. She really had pie. I looked the other way. I guess as long as she is not handed a big ol' greasy turkey leg, I will deal. However, the first time she pukes on me because she ate something she was not supposed to, everyone is in big, big trouble!
Looking around the table that day, I was surprisingly struck by emotion. Lilly has so many wonderful people that are in her life. She will grow up feeling so loved. I know that each one of them will enrich her life so much. Her character will be shaped by the relationships she has with them. Her memories will be full of experiences that they provide her. She doesn't know it yet, or maybe she does, but she will always have the protection, love and support of her family. That really is a beautiful thing.
Este año, nuestras familias se reunieron para el Día de Acción de Gracias. Y, no solamente celebremos el día festejado, si no también el 85 Cumpleaños de Tatarabuelo Bob's, el Cumpleaños de Abuelita Suzie, el compromiso de Steve y Jessica's y nuestro quinto aniversario. Lilly disfruto de todas las risas, los abrazos, los besitos y el pastel. Si. En verdad comió pastel. Miré para el otro lado. Supongo que con solo que no le den una pierna grasosa de pavo, lo puedo aceptar. Aunque, la primera vez que la niña me vomite porque comio algo que no debería, todos estarán en grades problemas con migo.
Cuando mire al rededor de la mesa este día, estaba abrumada con emoción. Lilly tiene a tanta gente maravillosa en su vida. Se va a criar sintiéndose tan amada. Yo se que cada uno de ellos le va enriquecer tanto la vida. Su carácter sera formado por su relación con ellos. Sus memorias juveniles estarán llenas de las experiencias que ellos le proporcionen. No lo sabe todavía, o quizas si, pero siempre tendrá la protección, amor y apoyo de su familia. Eso, en verdad, es una cosa bella.