Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gettin' Out the Bud Nippers

Lately, I have been talking to all of the moms I know.  I have had a great need for some words of wisdom.  Lilly is full blown entering into the Terrible Twos.  Although Lilly is a loving, giving child who constantly shows affection, she has recently developed another form of showing emotion physically.  The main problem is that when she gets upset she acts out in rage and hits. Rene, me, poor Mona.  The other day she ran up and hit a stranger at Subway.  So the question is not whether this has to to stop, but rather, what do we do to get it to stop.  
While I realize that we live in a society where spanking is looked down upon, I also can't live with having my child hit every time she doesn't get her way.  There is a part of me that figures that it is no one's business and I should feel comfortable spanking in public if that is what will work to correct the negative behavior of my child.  One thing I do know is that we have to nip this behavior in the bud right way.
So what's a parent to do???????


SD Mom said...

I don't know what to tell you. We have been having discipline issues ourselves and some people have recommended time outs. WTH is a 19 month old going to know about time outs right? Drew likes to throw things...everything! His food, his toys, other people's cell phones...I don't know! So let me know if you find a magic answer. I feel like such a heel when I yell at him!