Friday, April 3, 2009

Disneyland at Two

Rene donated his Disneyland tickets so that Lilly, Dinorah and I could go. We took Lilly at one. She didn't have a clue. It was a little more fun at two. She recognized many of the characters and, since she is a thrill seeker, enjoyed the rides.
We waited and waited for Mickey. We think he is a bit of a Primadonna. Lilly was excited to see him.
This is in Toon Town. It is really the only place that she could run around. And that, she did! I have never had the patience, or interest, in waiting in line to take pictures with the characters. However, things change when you have a nugget.

She liked the Teacups the most.

At the end of the day.


knaubs said...

What a cutie!
As you know, I am not a fan of Disneyland, but looking at these pictures I realize that I would no doubt make an exception if I got to go with this cutie! I can imagine how waiting in line would be rewarded by seeing her excitement in the end.