Friday, July 24, 2009

Playdate Madness

Nikki organized a multiple mommy playdate at Victoria Gardens. When you get that many kids together they start to loose their minds. And then the mommies follow suit.
We took them (6 kids ranging from 8 to 4 months) to the Yard House after, so that we could take advantage of the half-priced appetizers. It turned into full tilt jungle madness.

One day, this picture will come right in handy. Let it be stated that the Toledos are not in any way against bribery nor will they refrain from using a picture for leverage.

Silly Lilly Pictures

Robin got her this princess ballerina leotard for her birthday. She loves, loves, loves it, as you can probably imagine!
I love her little baby tummy.
Crazy lady!!!
This is at my parents' house. Every time we go over there she starts out by saying, "Where da pumas at?" There were pumas on an episode of Dora (duh, duh, duh, dah Dora). So now she is reeeeally into pumas.
Obsess much?!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lilly's Abi

Dinorah has been on vacation in El Salvador. Lilly has missed her a lot. Every time the dog barks she thinks that Abi has come over. Every time we see an airplane she points to it and says, "Abi go?"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bumblebee Ballerina

This is one of my top ten favorite songs (Blind Melon, No Rain). She seems to like it too, dontcha think?

We have made a conscious effort to expose her to music that is befitting of our generation. My mom did the same for me and I feel that I am the better for it. More than once, I have had the pleasure of sharing enthusiasm for a song of yesteryear, with someone who grew up in my mom's era. I can dig it. And so will Lilly.

Lilly La Loca

Lilly joined me for a bit today while I was getting ready for summer school.
Not much actual work was accomplished but we did have fun.
Lilly's comment on the pic: "Hee, hee. I at cool." (I am at school)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Some Nugget Tidbits

Next time you see Lilly be sure to ask her what a pirate says (I wonder who taught her that).
This is a picture of Lilly harvesting her tomato booty.

She loves washing her hands and up until recently it was always a big production. A few days ago, we heard her grunting and then heard the water running in the bathroom. Typically, those are NOT things that you want to hear when a toddler is involved (or anyone, really). She had pulled her little stool over to the toilet, climbed on top of it and was in there washing up, all on her own. And yes, there was a bit of a mess afterwards. Oh well.
Fountain Day
She was bold and brave when we took her last year. This year she was done in about 10 minutes. I think that was because she had other activities in mind.
She suckered my mom into taking her on the choo choo train.
Grandmas, at least the ones around these here parts, will do just about anything for the Nugget.

But who could resist that face?

"I not canky (cranky) pants!"

Now I'm not going to lie. She does lose it every once in awhile. She has tantrums, she throws things, she screams at the top of her lungs. She cries until she has snot bubbles coming out of her nose. We try to take it all in stride. She is a two year old, after all. But lately, she is using a much more civilized approach. She crosses her little arms and tells us, be it sternly, what she is not satisfied with.
She also feels the desire to clarify that she is, in fact, "Not a canky pants!" The mommy and daddy jury is still out on that one.

Rene happens to be responsible for the background music. Some where along the way, the two of them picked up this wonderful CD. It is kids singing their own nauseating renditions of pop star songs, ie: Avril Levine.