Saturday, October 24, 2009

Grills (Toothy Grins) & Ghouls

I went to a "Ghouls Night Out" party. This is a picture of the werewolf cupcakes I brought. Yes. I'm a geek.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Someone's Pants are on Fire

Lilly lied to me for the first time today. Part of me was amused because it really is a milestone. She is advancing. The other part of me was sorta shocked because I watched her do what she lied about and the evidence was literally all over her.
At least she is not sneaky enough to cover her tracks. Which means I've still got her number, so to speak.
She is hard to be mad at though.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Canky Tinky

As Lilly's third Halloween is comin' 'round, we have all made a family effort to get her excited about her costume. You see, she has a history of refusal and major tears. For awhile we thought that we were going to have a three-peater because she would absolutely not try on this adorable, hand sewn Tinkerbell costume. But, success has been achieved! Sure, we had to resort to bribery, but desperate times...
I just hope that see will put it on for the Big Show (Halloween night).

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fix for the Photo Junkies

It has been awhile so I thought that I would post a couple photos to keep the photo junkies at bay. This was on the way to her Tata's 60th birthday party. She talked me into some lip gloss. She is not girly in the sense that she is prissy, but she definitely enjoys indulging in girly things. Lip gloss, halter dresses and pretty barrettes.
I thought this was funny. The book cover is blurred. It is Lincoln on Leadership. You can never start too early. Just kidding. She grabbed the book herself, snuggled up and was feeling very grownup reading one of Mommy's books.