Birth Name: Lilleth Camile Toledo.
Everything Else That She is Called: Lilly, Lil, Bubbas, Babies, Lillyput, Lillyputian, Lilly Poppins, Snuggles, Snuggy Bug, Huera, Chelon, Shug, Chicky, Honey Bun, Lovey, Lamby, Muňeca Presiosa, Silly Lilly, Lilleth Camilleth, Lillian, That Baby, White Girl, Cutie, My Little Cracker, Chubba Wubba, Baby Cakes
It is funny what cute, little things will do to your vocabulary. This is the first smile that I captured on camera. The flash always takes her by surprise so all I usually get is her looking scared.
And...knock on wood. I am worried that because I said she "only cries for milk" that I have doomed us all. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
Nombres Cariñosos
Propio Nombre: Lilleth Camile Toledo.
Todo lo demas que le llamamos: Lilly, Lil, Bubbas, Babies, Lillyput, Lillyputian, Lilly Poppins, Snuggles, Snuggy Bug, Huera, Chelon, Shug, Chicky, Honey Bun, Lovey, Lamby, Muñeca, Presiosa, Silly Lilly, Lilleth Camilleth, Liliana, That Baby, White Girl, Cutie, My Little Cracker, Chubba Wubba, Baby Cakes, Chi chi
Es chistoso como afecta tu vocabulario las cosas chiquitas y bonitas. Esta es la primera sonrisa que capturé en foto. Siempra le toma por sorpresa el flash así que casi siempre se ve asustada.
Y… toco madera, estoy preocupada porque dije que solo llora cuando quiere leche, que nos condene a todos. Cruzen los dedos por nosotros.
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