It has become the time of discovery. She is starting to take an interest in toys. She flirts and giggles with herself in the mirror. But who wouldn't with that mug? Also, her fingers entertain her to no end and she has started grabbing her toes, although I am not sure she knows that they are attached to her.
What all of this means is that she has gone from an adorable blob to having a personality that develops daily. Likes and dislikes are emerging. She likes anyone who is willing to hold and walk around with her. She also likes to flip over on her tummy but then really dislikes not being able to flip back over. She likes every one of her grandparents and shows it by bestowing upon them huge gummy grins. She dislikes Mommy blogging and shows it by throwing a mini hissy fit, little fists and all. But even that is cute.
De Quien Son Esos Deditos del Pie?
A llegado el tiempo de descubrimiento. Empieza a interesarle los juguetes. Se coquetea y hace risitas con ella misma en el espejo. Pero, ¿quien no lo hiciera con esa carita? También, sus dedos la entretienen sin parar y empezó a agrararse los dedos de los pies. Aunque, yo creo que no entiende que esos dedos son parte de ella.
Lo que significa todo esto es que a cambiado, de una linda masa sin forma a alguien con personalidad, que se desarrolla a diario. Sus gustos y lo que no le gusta empiezan a revelarse. Le gusta cualquier persona que esta dispuesta a cargarla y encaminarla. También le gusta darse vuelta boca abajo, pero no le gusta que no se puede volver a voltear. Le gustan todos sus abuelos y lo demuestra por las risas sin dientes que les enseña. No le gusta cuando su Mami escribe en este blog y demuestra su descontento al armar un berrinche, con todo y puñetasos. Pero hasta sus berrinches son chulos.
Hey girl! I thought I would leave you a comment since I am sitting here thinking of Robin and knowing how you feel. Isn't is amazing?!?! Robin is putting more and more words together every day and we are utterly amazed at her growth. You have so much in store and I am happy to see you enjoying it! 8)
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