Sunday, August 31, 2008

Life Moves Pretty Fast

Lilly was arting today while I was reading about stages of development.  "Each stage is important and only happens once."  The "once" part is what got to me.  I spend so much time trying to manage work, chores, errands and the multitude of obligatory events, that I am guilty of losing sight of the fact that every second of every day she is growing and learning and becoming the little person that she is going to be.

I am so distracted sometimes, that I miss stuff.  Balance IS healthy though.  I couldn't be on mommy duty 24/7.  I would go cuckoo.
Her First Piece

Crayola makes some pretty cool stuff these days for toddlers.  Nontoxic, totally washable and made the just right size for their little chubby fingers.

Disclaimer:  Don't get me wrong, especially if I have recently attended one of your "events."  I need to have those types of things that take me away from the chaos.  I just wish there was more time in the day.  So don't blackball me for this blog entry

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Copy Cat

Lilly has started to mimic, which means she is an endless source of entertainment.  She high fives, gives kisses when you ask for them in Spanish and says, "Duuuude!" when we say, "Duuuude!" We are having so much fun with her.  Her vocabulary is growing but what truly amazes me is her understanding.  Before, I would tell her something and I knew that I was just wasting my breath because she had no clue what I was talking about.  Now she responds to what I say.  For example, the other day I said, "Uh oh!  Mona has your ball."  She promptly turned towards Mona.  Got up, sauntered over to her, said, "Doggy," and gently wrestled with her for the ball.
She also sings, kind of, when certain songs come on and she will grab my hand and pull me to where she wants me to go so that I can help her get something.  Lately she wants me to take her out into the backyard to play in her pool.  We battle with that one.  It is flippin' hot around here!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

El Salvador Bound

Nos vamos a El Salvador - su primer Pasaporte

Still in Shock

Sometimes I am so overwhelmed by the amount of love that I feel for this child that I am brought to tears. Other times, I feel like I am going to completely loose my mind.
A veces me abrumo con todo el amor que siento por esta niña que hasta me dan ganas de llorar. Y en otros momentos, siento que voy a perder la mente.

Like yesterday, when she hauled off and bitch slapped me because I wouldn't let her hold onto the Fudgesicle we were sharing. I told her no in my angry voice and spanked her a little bit. She got the point. I was feeling very parental and figured that I would not see her internal monster rear its stinkin' head again. However, low and behold, not an hour later she did it again. I sat there is disbelief, running over in my head all that I have learned about child development. I tried to decide if my punishment was age appropriate. I debated over whether my "angry voice and spanking" were the right thing to correct the rotten behavior. I don't know. I might be headed to the book store.

Como ayer, cuando se alborotó y me dio una gran cachetada porque no dejaba que ella sosteniera la paleta que estábamos compartiendo. Le dije que no en mi voz de enojada y le di en las nalgitas. Me pareció que entendió el sentimiento. Me sentí muy en control y pensé que no volviera a ver su monstruo interno. Pero, imagínense, ni una hora después me lo volvió a hacer! Me quedé sentada en incredulidad, trate de recordarme de todas las cosas que eh aprendido sobre el desarrollo de los niños. Traté de razonar si el castigo fue apropiado para su edad. Empezar a dudar si "mi voz enojada y darle una nalgada" era lo correcto para corregir su comportamiento pésimo. No se. Quizás vaya a la librería.

This is a nice mommy and daughter picture. Our bodies are so tenderly rejuvenating in harmony. There is so much love and warmth. Then later that day...she coldcocked me! Twice!

Esta es una foto bonita de las dos. Nuestros cuerpos se están rejuvenando en armonía. Hay tanto amor y cariño. Y unas horas después.... me dio una gran manada! Dos veces!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Check Out the Resemblance

Lilly next to a picture of her Tia Jessie
Lilly a la par de una foto de su Tia Jessie.
Miren como se parecen

Ho Hum

Wild and wooley.
Salvaje y mechuda.
She's got molars! Chomp, chomp, chomp!
Ya tiene sus muelas!

I don't have much to say but here are some new, clear pictures.
No tengo mucho que contarles, pero aquí tienen unas fotos nuevas.