Sunday, August 31, 2008

Life Moves Pretty Fast

Lilly was arting today while I was reading about stages of development.  "Each stage is important and only happens once."  The "once" part is what got to me.  I spend so much time trying to manage work, chores, errands and the multitude of obligatory events, that I am guilty of losing sight of the fact that every second of every day she is growing and learning and becoming the little person that she is going to be.

I am so distracted sometimes, that I miss stuff.  Balance IS healthy though.  I couldn't be on mommy duty 24/7.  I would go cuckoo.
Her First Piece

Crayola makes some pretty cool stuff these days for toddlers.  Nontoxic, totally washable and made the just right size for their little chubby fingers.

Disclaimer:  Don't get me wrong, especially if I have recently attended one of your "events."  I need to have those types of things that take me away from the chaos.  I just wish there was more time in the day.  So don't blackball me for this blog entry