Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hog Heaven

We decided to sneak off to the fair for some pure indulgence.  We don't trust Carnies enough to ride the rides so we go for the FOOD!  Fat, fatty, fat, fat.  That's what we are now.  But 
can you blame us?  I know for a fact that some of you who read this blog absolutely share in taking the same hedonistic approach to gorging yourself into an oblivion every time the fair comes back into town.  It is so sinfully irresistible!  And so easy to get damn good and  wonderfully lost in the smorgasbord of saucy, greasy, deliciousness.  We managed to eat King Taco, guacamole and chips, a deep fried White Castle slider and a whole crap load of other stuff.

Lilly, sampling a delicacy.  Guacamole.  Look at that dexterity.  She is a genius eater, I tell ya. 
 It was an outrageously hot day so we sought refuge at Hussong's Cantina.  

We went for the monster fans and the guacamole only.  Okay, we might have had a margarita. 
 We all had to find ways to keep cool.

Yep.  This is my mommy hat.  My mom has a matching mommy hat.  Lilly likes it.  

Lilly and Rene honky 
tonkin' in the farm area of the fair.

It was a good day.  We all left content and  exhausted.


Anonymous said...

Deep fried sliders??

;) cute cute cute pics. Thank you for sharing your day at the fair. Miss you guys like crazy!

Nugget's Mamma said...

We MISS you too! We will have to make the most of homecoming and not feel obligated to do anything that we don't want to.