Sunday, October 12, 2008


After a long wait, 18 months, Lilly finally said, "Puta" to her mommy.  To our dismay, her Abuelo has been working on it ever since she busted out of the womb.  Yesterday she snuggled up to me, looked me dead in the eye, acted like she was going to kiss me by getting close to my face and then sweetly said, "Awww Puta."
I can't wait until she takes that trucker's mouth to school with her.  We will have to pick out a veeeeery understanding kindergarten teacher.


knaubs said...

She's ready to try out for Flashdance!
"She's a maniac, maniac on the floor..." :)

Anonymous said...

What is up with that outfit? Is Rene responsible for that one too? Nikki 8)

Anonymous said...

I really like this color better, for old people like me was hard to read thru red, she looks so precious in high heels, and there is nothing wrong with saying Puta that is part of her hispanic blood.

Nugget's Mamma said...

I will surely keep that in mind when I change the background. I have been going with my mood, not the readability.