Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer Time Moms

All of those non-workin' beotch moms always get to take their kids down to play in the fountain at Victoria Gardens. Nikki, Heather (her sister-in-law) and I decided that we would take advantage of our temporary non-working, on-summer-vacation status and join in on the fun. Surprisingly, the whole thing was a major success. We even managed to go out to lunch afterwards without getting kicked out of the restaurant (or having the authorities called on us). There are four videos, as opposed to one because I had to keep stopping to round her back up as you will see in the one where she almost made it to the river.

Robin is spinning around in the background of this one.

Robin se está dando vueltas en el fondo.

Mad dash to the river.

Se escapó para el rio.

Even though there were a lot of kids in there, I was happy to see that they all had good fountain etiquette. She didn't get knocked over or splashed once.

Aunque habian muchos niños, me alegré al ver que todos estaban muy bien protados. Ninguno de los niños la tumbó, ni le echeron agua.

I highly recommend fountain day. She is totally tuckered out. Right on!

Les recomiendo un día en las fuentes. Está completamente cansada. Excelente!

Todas estas mujeres que no trabajan tienen la oportunidad de llevar sus hijos a la fuente en Victoria Gardens. Nikki, Heather (su cuñada) y yo decidimos aprovechar de estar de vacaciones para llevar nuestras niñas a compartir en esta actividad tan divertida. Me sorpredio que todo nos resulto super bien. Hasta podimos ir a almorzar después, sin que nos echaran del restaurante. Hay cuatro videos en ves de solo uno porque tuve que seguir parando para correr detras de ella, como pueden ver en los videos. Hay uno que enseña que Lilly casi llego a el rio de agua mientras estaba filmando.


knaubs said...

What a cutie! Check her out, running all over the place. So fun to see her moving around. I'm glad you guys got to have some fun with the fountains!

Anonymous said...

Robin and I had a great time too! Maybe we can do it again before August gets here. 8)