Thursday, April 17, 2008

Princess Coronation Part I

We did not take enough pictures of the event. Fortunately, everyone else did. I will post as we receive all of those wonderful emails of pictures.
No tomamos sufiecientes fotos de el evento (su primer cumpleaños). Afortunadamente, todos los demas si tomaron muchas. Voy a anexar las que me lleguen en estos dias.
Tia Jessie, with The Masters in the background
Con la Tía Jessie, y el partido "Masters" de golf atras.
Birthday Tiara - Coronita de Cumpleaños
Princess Throne - Trono de Princesa
Friends - Amigos
It is funny to think that we had Lilly at 30 and 31 and yet compared to most of our friends, we got started pretty early.
Es chistoso pensar que tuvimos a Lilly de 30 y 31 años, y aun así, comparandonos con nuestros amigos empezamos jovenes.


Anonymous said...

I will have to send you more pictures too. Glad I had a chance to catch up on the blog! Nikki 8)