Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wah, Wah, Wah, Wah (Like on Charlie Brown)

Recently Lilly has been amazing us with her responses to our indirect requests. Up until this point we have pretty much been blabbing at her just for the sake of talking. Not anymore though. Here is an example: Lilly was cruising around at my parent's house with a toothbrush in her hand. My friend Bev asked her where she had gotten it. Lilly walked her right into the bathroom and opened up the toothbrush drawer. Also, today she asked for a bath and I told her okay but that I needed to get a towel first. I turned around from running the water and she was standing behind me with the towel. She had gone across the house to get one.
She blows our minds. She has about a 50 word spoken vocabulary, but she is understanding much more than that.