Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Ringing in the New Year

Lilly's Abuela got her this gorgeous dress to celebrate New Years in true princess style. So I hear, now is the time to take advantage of the fact that she can't say, "No" to being dressed up like a doll. There is no doubt that this has been taken advantage of lately.

We all went to Casa Camerena for New Years Eve. Much fun was had by all. There was lots of dancing, spirit and laughter. Here are some of the pictures. There is a special treat at the end.

Celebrando El Año Nuevo
La Abuela de Lilly le compro este vestido divino para celebrar el Año Nuevo con estilo, como princesa. Me cuentan que ahora es el tiempo de aprovechar que no puede renegar cuando la visto como una muñeca. No cabe duda que hemos aprovechado este mes. Todos fuimos a la Casa de los Camarena para el Año Nuevo. Bailamos mucho, habían muchas carcajadas y buen espíritu. Aquí les pongo unas fotos. Hay algo especial al final.

Getting Sleeeepy Me esta dando sueñito